Category : Rule of Law

civilrights , civilsociety , economicrights , rulelaw — June 27, 2024

Legislative Options for Water Law in Iraq

View This memorandum, requested by parliamentarians, provides a broad overview of the national and international contexts of water resource law as it relates to human rights. The paper provides...

civilrights , economicrights , judiciary , rulelaw — June 27, 2024

Legislative Considerations for Alternatives to the Imprisonment and Monetary Penalties Systems in Iraq

View This memorandum examines the current state of the justice system in Iraq that is giving rise to the need for reconsideration of the existing system of penal sanctions....

civilrights , economicrights , minority , rulelaw , womansrights — April 8, 2024

Reclaiming Identity: Strategies for Civil Documentation in Iraq

View Based on extensive fieldwork, interviews, consultations and research, this report analyzes the crisis of missing documentation with the goal of finding workable, durable, and implementable solutions. This report...

constitutional , rulelaw — February 28, 2024

Legislative Drafting Guide

View On 11 and 12 February at the Council of Representatives in Baghdad, IILHR launched its Legislative Drafting Guide for Iraqi Members of Parliament. This guide was the result of over...

civilrights , civilsociety , economicrights , rulelaw , womansrights — October 6, 2022

IILHR Legislative Review of the Draft Law on Women’s Care

View Analysis of a draft law in the Iraqi Council of Representatives on the Care of Women without Supporters, looking at existing provisions of the Women’s Care draft law...

civilrights , constitutional , economicrights , minority , rulelaw — October 6, 2022

IILHR Legislative Review of the Draft Law on Rights of the Innocents

View Analyzes and comments on the Rights of the Innocents draft law. Main areas of concern include the fact that the law may duplicate various articles of the constitution...

civilsociety , rulelaw — October 6, 2022

Legislative Review of the Draft Law of Non-Governmental Organizations

View Analyzes and comments on the Non-Governmental Organization draft law. Main areas of concern and comment include the independence of civil society and its ability to fully operate independent...

civilsociety , economicrights , rulelaw — October 6, 2022

IILHR Comments: Student Salary/Scholarship Draft Law

View Analyzes and comments on the Student Salary/Scholarship draft law. Main areas of concern and comment include that the mechanics of how this law will be implemented need to...

civilsociety , constitutional , rulelaw — October 6, 2022

IILHR Comments: Draft Law on Communications and Media Commission

View Analyzes and comments on the Communications and Media Commission draft law. Main areas of concern and comment include the need to clarify the responsibilities of the commission and...

rulelaw — October 6, 2022

IILHR Comments: Draft Foreign Service Law

View Analyzes and comments on the draft Foreign Service law. Main areas of concern include the need to clarify the division of diplomatic ranks; the need to determine the...