View Analyzes and comments on the Federation Council draft law. Main areas of concern and comment include that the present law does not include independent representation of the region...
View Provides provisions from the German, South African, Egyptian, and Nigerian constitutions related to the relative authorities of each country’s upper and lower legislative houses. Constitutional provisions provided include...
View Provides a comparative analysis of international practice with respect to the bifurcation of trade union and syndicate laws. Examines legislative practice in the United States, Germany, Jordan, and...
View Provides commentary and analysis on amendments to the Iraqi Constitution.
View Provides a country-by-country analysis of referendum legislation. Examining Armenia, Estonia, Macedonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, and other states, provides analysis of legal frameworks; issues that cannot be submitted...
View Provides a country-by-country analysis of constitutional courts. Provides analysis of the composition, qualifications, role/jurisdiction, president, and financial aspects of the constitutional courts of Romania, Poland, Afghanistan, and Spain.
View Suggests means to improve the reporting system for the Council of Representatives to increase transparency and improve and integrate the operations of the Council itself. First steps include...
View Draft Rules of Procedure of the Iraqi Council of Representatives delegation for relations with the European Parliament. Constructed following a request by the Council of Representatives. Includes articles...
View As Iraq ratified the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (“CAT”) in July 2008, IILHR constructed this paper to outline requirements...
View Outlines a range of potential actions that IILHR could take to advance the cause of minority rights, representation, protection, and cohesion, within the context of our grant with...