Institute for
International Law and Human Rights

Civil & Political Rights Civil Society Judiciary Rule of Law

Roundtable Discussion on Developing and Strengthening Legislative Efforts in Iraq on Non-Custodial Enforcement Measures

On 21-22 July 2024, IILHR held a roundtable event for key legislators, members of the judiciary, government actors and civil society on the topic of legislating a system of non-custodial enforcement measures in order to reduce the burden on the judiciary and lower the number of prisoners in Iraq’s overcrowded prisons. Participants discussed two documents – a draft law on substituting prison time with monetary payments and a proposed draft on non-custodial enforcement measures. Although it is not yet introduced to the Council of Representatives at the time of writing, the latter document is more comprehensive than the former and will be introduced to the Council of Representatives in the near future. The attached document contains commentary on the provisions of the proposed draft on non-custodial measures. All comments originated from participants during the workshop.